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Bachelor of Arts in Missiology (120 credits) with minor in Pastoral Leadership 30 (optional)

3 missiologyThe Bachelor of Arts in Missiology prepares students to serve on the mission field and work in a variety of cross-cultural ministries. Students will discover the biblical foundation of missions, the history and expressions of the faith around the world, cross-cultural ministry and exposure to the major religions around the world.

The purpose bachelor of Missiology Program is to provide the candidate with and advanced competencies and methodology insights through the preparation and case studies for those actively involved in professional and vocational of Intercultural Studies and Christian Assistance and Development. Cornerstone focuses on the practical knowledge and understanding rather the actual degree itself. For this purpose, CCU’s requirements and standards are higher than most peer schools without any additional work or cost the student.

In addition to Cornerstone Christian University’s general education and prerequisite course requirements, Missiology majors are required to take twelve hours of foundational course choices in philosophy, spiritual formation, Christian history and theology. The Missiology major also includes 24 hours of concentrated coursework with a practicum course or internship, six hours of departmental electives, and a three-hour seminar.

How does the program work?

  • Equip you with Intercultural Studies resources in a practical dimension
  • Provide you with the ability to convey the message of truth in missiology
  • Enable you to teach and train missionaries and plant churches
  • Train you for leadership in Christian compassion ministry agencies
  • Prepare you to work with projects around the world
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