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Bachelor of Christian Elementary Education (CEd.B)

Cornerstone Christian University School of Education offers the Bachelor of Science degree with programs of study that prepares candidates to assume responsibilities in teaching and/or leadership in the Christian setting. Such preparation integrates theory and clinical experiences in institutions or agencies, enabling graduates to function effectively as humane and liberally educated leaders in a variety of settings.

The conceptual framework of the School of Christian Education of Cornerstone Christian University provides a structure and process to prepare candidates for the education profession mostly in the private setting. The School of Christian Education seeks to recruit and support the development of diverse candidates who are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence as scholars, lifelong learners, leaders and reflective professionals.

The vision of the School of Christian Education also incorporates the cross from the shield of Cornerstone Christian University to acknowledge the Mission and Strategic Directions of the University and the Core
Values from the founder. Caring, capable and highly qualified faculty personify those attributes in the community of Cornerstone Christian University and in the profession of education, and direct the candidates’ progress in the acquisition of the relevant knowledge, skills and dispositions.

Programs of Study

The Cornerstone Christian University School of Education offers the master of arts degree in education through the following areas of concentration: educational administration and supervision, administration and leadership, community counseling, school counseling curriculum and instruction, individualized programs (ESL, science education, educational technology, integrative), multicategorical special education, reading, early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education, and teaching leadership.

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